Nice Pam Hôtel - Logo


Our hotel is committed to minimising its environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices.
practices. We are aware that every gesture counts to protect our planet
and contribute to a greener future.


Nice Pam Hôtel - Illustration ampoule, réduire la

We are committed to reducing our energy consumption by adopting the following measures:

  • Use of low-energy LED lights throughout the hotel
  • Programming air conditioning and heating systems to save energy when no one is in the room
  • Encouraging guests to turn off lights and electrical appliances when they leave their room

We are committed to preserving this precious resource by adopting the following measures:

  • Installation of low-flow taps and showers to reduce water consumption.
  • Raising customer awareness of the need to limit water consumption by offering towels washed on request only Installing dual-flush toilets to limit water consumption.


Nice Pam Hôtel - Illustration ampoule, réduire notre consommation d'énergie

Waste management

Nice Pam Hôtel - Illustration ampoule, réduire notre consommation d'énergie

We are committed to reducing our waste production and managing it responsibly by responsibly by adopting the following measures:

  • Use of environmentally-friendly products for cleaning and laundry
  • Recycling waste whenever possible
  • Installation of selective sorting bins in communal areas
  • Reducing paper use by offering electronic invoicing and electronic communication with customers

We are committed to raising the awareness of our guests and staff to the importance of sustainability by adopting the following measures:

  • Display in the hotel of tips for responsible consumption
  • Staff training in sustainable practices and raising guest awareness
  • Guided tours to discover the environmental practices of the region and nature-related activities


Nice Pam Hôtel - Illustration panneau de sensibilisation


Nice Pam Hôtel - Illustration Gestion des déchets

We are committed to choosing products and suppliers that are local and environmentally friendly. respectful of the environment by adopting the following measures:

  • Selecting organic and local produce for meals in our restaurant
  • Encouraging suppliers to adopt sustainable practices for the production production, distribution and delivery of their products
  • Choosing environmentally friendly cleaning and toiletry products

By adopting these measures, we hope to help preserve the environment and raise
environment and to raising awareness among our guests and staff of the importance of
of sustainability.